Click here to see Video of BBQ Lunch
On Friday, May 8, Fieri and the National Pork Board did satellite interviews with 33 cities to promote the "Search for the Next Pork Personality," a contest where three finalists grill-off in New York, hosted by Guy Fieri.
The National Pork Board also donated a Fieri-autographed charbroil grill to a Roseville fire department.

Roseville's paper reports that dozens of locals gathered at Johnny Garlic’s in Roseville on Friday, May 8 for the official grand opening of Johnny Garlic’s California Pasta Grill with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

The Sacramento Bee reported that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared the second Saturday in May "Cook With Your Kids Day" and issued a proclamation urging parents to spend time cooking with their children.
Moreover, Guy Fieri was presented with a resolution recognizing him as an advocate for families cooking together.
Fieri hosted a sushi class for 40 children at his Sacramento Tex Wasabi's restaurant. Half of the participants were from the UC Davis Children's Hospital.
In a recent interview with The Bee, Fieri said parents need to teach children critical lessons, such as how to cook and how to eat in moderation. "We need to educate our kids about food," he said. "One of the things I do with my son is he has to make the lunch," Fieri said, adding that his son gets to buy the school lunch once a week.
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Cook with your Kids Day? Hey, no offense to Guy, but that's kinda lame. Really, what real good will come from cooking with your kids for one day outta the year! So he taught 40 kids how to make sushi. Is that really going to make a difference?
Seems more like a publicity stunt, Ahnold wanted face time with Guy. Or the other way around?
If Guy wants to make a difference in how kids eat, he should teach the school systems how to cook tasty, nutritious affordable lunches. Seems like a guy with his recipe development, cooking and restaurant experience is uniquely qualified for such a Herculean task.
"If Guy wants to make a difference in how kids eat, he should teach the school systems how to cook tasty, nutritious affordable lunches."
That would be a really good idea, but it certainly wouldn't be all the fried stuff he cooks on his show.
I think it's nice that he makes lunches with his son, but I don't know he does that, being gone all the time.
So what if it's somewhat of a publicity stunt . . . what's wrong with using the media to encourage kids to learn about sushi and other healthy foods beyond the fried crap they get in schools? Guy IS making a difference, even it is only 40 kids at a time.
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