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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Guy Fieri at the Shoreline Amphitheater

Guy Fieri was in three public events at the Great American Food & Music Fest. He did a cooking demonstration of Hong Kong Noodles (recipe)from 3:00 - 3:45, a brief book signing from 4:00 - 4:45 and had a feature presentation on the main amphitheater stage from 7:45 - 8:30, making gallons of margaritas and his Pork En Fuego (the Tonight Show). Sometime between 5:00 and 7:30, Guy joined Bobby Flay and several of the music acts for a private meet & greet with VIP ticket holders.

Guy Fieri center, surrounded by his crew. The woman is Susie Fogelson, right back is Dirty P and right front is Kleetus.

At the mid-afternoon demo on the Serious Eats stage - a stage set up in front of a grassy area, The Examiner
"He was having the time of his life cooking, joking and all-around kvetching with the appreciative crowd. One woman in the back of the crowd was handed a microphone and asked Guy if he remembered her? 'Well, ma'am,' he quipped, 'I can't see that far, but your voice sounds HOT!'. A fun, lighthearted moment for the hungry, stressed throng, one that enabled me to leave the event with a smile."

The book signing was fast and furious. Rdshft said,
"... the most dissapointing thing that happened was with my 3 year old daughter who is a big Guy Fieri fan. She had gotten a wrist band that she wears like guy on her right arm and all week had talked about going to see Guy. We waited in over an hour long line for his book signing, having already bought 2 of his books. We finally get to the front Guy barely looks up at her just signs her name. My wife asked him if we could take a picture with her. Guy response was "OK but i have to keep signing" which is understandable. We go to walk around for the picture since Guy said it was Ok, but one of his people standing on the side says sorry no pictures and doesnt let my daughter get her picture. So now I have an upset 3 year old who doesnt understand why she cant get a picture with her favorite Food Tv star even though he said it was ok. That was it for us we left."
Then came the big demonstration - what Guy described as a preview of what's to come in his upcoming "Knuckle Sandwich Tour," which Bay Area Bites described as,
"A Rockstar Performance ... Must give props to Guy, he rocked the crowd with a highly entertaining blowout performance complete with loud rock n'roll, gratuitous hot chicks on stage, big machinery, power tools, and pyrotechnics."

And Pages, Pucks & Pantry said, "He was like a rock star, the crowd was going wild, he was blaring Mas Tequila while he had the slushomatic going. He was putting on a great show and I think the crowd needed his enthusiasm at that point. Not sure about his cooking as we were a bit too tired and hungry to stay to watch."

More video

Other comments:

One VIP ticket holder wrote to me saying, "I was disappointed when Guy had everyone in the 'cheap seats' move down towards the front [during the evening demonstration ~D]. I'd paid a lot of money to be in the front rows and felt even more ripped off than I had before. The shows were great, but all the other hassles combined made it for a bad experience."

There were reports that Lori, Guy's wife, joined him at the Food & Music Fest in Mt. View, although I've found no pictures.

Related Posts:
Guy Fieri on the Tonight Show
Reviews of the Great American Food & Music Fest
The Great American Food and Music Fest

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