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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rock n Roll Fantasy Camp Giveaway

The T.V. show “Extra” is sending one winner to the Rock n Roll Fantasy Camp — to rock out with Guy Fieri, Steven Tyler and more.

Steven Tyler of Aerosmith

Click on for more information. You'll have to register with their site and enter the "secret word" from Tuesday's show. It's not a difficult secret word to figure out.

More on the Rock n Roll Fantasy Camp here.


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  4. Guy is not all that great. That's too much money to spend

  5. But why is he included with rock & roll legends? He's not a musician.

  6. Reggie SoutherlandApril 2, 2009 at 1:34 PM

    I was unaware that Guy had anything to do with Rock N Roll, much less being a real 'chef'. I thought he was just a guy who owned a couple of restaurants.

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  8. Anonymous 10:21 - yeah, $8000 is A LOT of money, but if I had it, I'd spend it just to hang with Todd Rundgren and Steven Tyler, for sure.

    Ticky - he is a musician, kinda. I mean, he is if you count drummers as musicians lol. He plays the drums, ummm, somewhere between below average and adequatly. As for why he's listed? Totally at the discretion of the people putting on RnRFC. The more "known" names they can bill, the more people they'll draw to their camp. Marketing, plain & simple.

    'Reggie' - even if you don't count Guy as a musician, he is at the very least a friend to musicians, as many of us are, by going to concerts and buying CD's. Oh, and I guess add to that ... Guy fixes 'em up a plate of sushi after the shows, from what I understand. ;) And if there's any group of people who needs friends, it's musicians. It's a really freakin' tough industry.

    I haven't ever heard Guy call himself "a real chef;" I think that's a moniker others use to describe him. I have heard him call himself "a Food Network chef" or a "TV chef," and there's a CLEAR difference between those and a "real chef".

    Ya know, like "I'm not a doctor, I just play one on t.v. ...."

  9. Anonymous, thanks for clearing that up. I am not a fan of Guy's, so I will try not to suffer the fate of some of the above comments. But I think his ego is out of cont....oops, got carried away there.

    I'm not going to get into the 'what is or isn't a chef' debate, but since he started out cooking at his restaurant, and now he has branched out, I think I would be safe in assuming he thinks of himself as a chef, albeit an idio....darn, did it again.

    Better stop now.

  10. Anon 4:30,

    Actually, the price is $9,999, one dollar short of ten grand. I might spend $40 for a bad seat to watch Aerosmith in some stadium, but I wouldn't spend that kind of cash to be in close proximity to Steve Tyler, much less Guy. Being a friend to rock n roll stars is not the same as being a rock n roll chef. Actually, I think that Guy has referred to himself as chef on several occasions. I will cite them as I find them. Guy may be a lot of things, but he's not a chef, a marginal 'musician' by your own account, and seriously not the best talent that Food Network has to offer.

    Guy may be nice in person, not counting Dora's own sad posting on January 26, and including her mysterious and unexplained forgiveness, but he is seriously overexposed. It would be nice to turn on the TV or walk through the local supermarket without seeing him stuff his face with some food product or squawking and hawking yet another product.

  11. "I'm not a(n) atypical chef." Guy expressed that he felt far more at home working in his restaurant than being a big TV star. "I do what I feel good about. You gotta love what you're doing, and I want to stay in the restaurant [buisness]."

  12. Anonymous 8:21, if that is so, then I will have to feel sorry for him. He must be a very troubled soul to say he isn't comfortable being on TV on the one hand, then looking for opportunities to make faces for the camera on the other. It could indicate a very conflicted personality. I hope he gets the help he needs.

  13. Ticky, you're funny. I'm pretty sure the camp is $7999; at least it is according to their website. I dunno where Extra is figuring in the extra two grand. But whatever. It's still a lot of dough.

    A friend of mine went to RnRFC a couple years ago, in Vegas. He had a blast! I think the whole thing is pretty awesome. But, uh ... I'm not signing up or anything.

  14. Thank you Joe.
    Anonymous 8:21, I looked at the interview you so kindly provided the url for, and indeed he did say he was more comfortable in his restaurant than on TV. That was before Diners, Drive-ins & Dumpsters and I think he got over that feeling pretty fast. I just don't see the expression "Rock out with your cock out" as coming from someone who is camera-shy, you know what I mean?

  15. I'm sorry to say this, but I'm just a little concerned for Guy. I mean, the man has two restaurants in California that he has to run, along with up to 4 shows on Food network (Guy's Big Bite, DDD, Ultimate Recipe Showdown, and occasionally Guy Off the Hook). How does he do it all? I've noticed for a while that Guy talks a lot about his son Hunter, but almost never mentions his wife Lori, or even less his young son Ryder. Guy seems to have a frantic personality on his shows, as though he's trying to overcompensate for something, maybe a sense of loss or emptiness. Why doesn't he ever talk about Ryder? Why does he focus so much on Hunter?

    Ticky, I remember seeing the 'Rock Out with your Cock Out' mp3 on his website, and my heart sank. While somewhat vulgar on the surface, it seemed to me to be some sort of a cry for help. Not long after the clip was posted, it vanished. I do hope that Guy is okay, because he is so talented and such a gift to our community.

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  17. "Rock out with your cock out"?? Oh, you can't be serious. Surely that wouldn't have been posted on his website for everyone to see. But since he took it off, I'll bet that means he has seen the error of his ways. Has anyone heard him say anything so vulgar since? I don't think so, because I have heard him say how much the Church means to him and how much he loves God.

  18. Dude, if I was rich, I would totally ante in to go. I like him and he makes the kind of food I like to eat. I guess I'm like most of his audiance that watches on the TV. I can totally relate to him since he's just liek me.

  19. Grace, I am very afraid to tell you that yes, Guy did have that posted for a while. The sound file was removed after a large number of people started visiting his site, and after his star began to rise on Food Network. Undoubtedly, the executives at the network advised Guy to remove a file like that from his site. I've never heard Guy talk about Church on any of the episodes that I have watched, nor any of the various video clips and sound files that are available, but I am glad to hear you say that Guy has a loving relationship with the Lord. For all of his apparent exuberance though, I still detect a note of emptiness or sadness.

    Guy, you are loved by so many. May you find some peace and comfort in your life.


  21. Does anyone feel disturbed by the image of Steven Tyler as I am? Aerosmith is one of the cornerstones of American Rock, and I have a large sampling of their music in my CD collection, but Steven looks strange, like he has been taking plastic surgery, or facial enhancements of some sort. Why would he do such a thing? His face looks unnatural.

  22. Satchel, I'm sure I don't know. But it seems to me Steven Tyler's face has looked unnatural for several decades now .... lol

  23. He does look pretty unnatural. Almost like a wax museum piece. I don't like it really, but to each their own! Rock stars live in their own worlds! Good work Dora.

  24. Hi all. How are you?
