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Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Upcoming Events with Guy Fieri

I track 2010 Guy Fieri appearances and events in a new post starting on January 1.

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CommunityWalk Map - Where in the World is Guy Fieri


  1. are u going to bein oklahoma next year because we would really like to meet u. we always watch u on triple d

  2. Anon 12:36, I see no immediate plans to hit Oklahoma soon. Sorry! But if I hear about anything, it'll be posted in this blog.

    Thx for reading and commenting! And please keep in touch.

  3. Is Guy going to be autographing books anywhere in the San Francisco / East Bay area while here in December?

  4. Hi anon 8:01. Great question! No book signings are scheduled at this time. However, last year Guy had two or three book signings just before Christmas at his restaurants and a few book stores close to Santa Rosa.

    If/when I hear of any this year, I'll post them here.

  5. Anon 8:01, a book signing has been scheduled for December 23. See blog post for more info
